National Hispanic Heritage Month Adapted Book
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Adapted books are one really helpful way to teach your students social studies and history because a lot of curricula (if it is out there) is not adaptable for our needs.
Use this adapted reader to teach your students about the history and celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month.
This is a printable and digital adapted book paired with questions to practice reading comprehension and "WH-" questions.
Super helpful for any special education classroom, life skills classroom, transition classroom to use during reading, social studies, or current events instruction.
This text is culturally responsive and applies a respectful lens to sharing information about the month.
- Printable adapted book (2 versions: 2 book pages per sheet; 1 book page/sheet)
- Digital adapted book
- Printable differentiated reading comprehension question worksheets (3 levels: multiple choice written, multiple choice images, cut-outs)
- Digital reading comprehension questions with interactive feedback
- The history of National Hispanic Heritage Month
- Definitions of Hispanic and Latino/a, Latinx
- When and why we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
- Influential Hispanic Americans
- Different foods to learn about
- Different cultural experiences to learn about: music, art, and events