Favorites + Why | Thanksgiving | Digital + Printable Prompts
Digital download
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This Favorites + Why Thanksgiving-themed resource is a fun, interactive activity for conversation starters, breaks, and games.
Available in printable cards and as a digital activity, students can answer prompts and questions related to their preferences around Thanksgiving.
Resource Guide
- About the Resource
- Using the Resource
- Resource Walkthrough
Printable Card
- 54 cards with Favorites + Why prompts/questions
- Color version vs. Low Ink versions
Digital Cards in Google Slide
- 54 cards with Favorites + Why prompts/questions
- Instructions for students at the beginning of the slides
Reflection Worksheets
- Printable or students can use digitally to think on their answers (perhaps to build their case, explain why, or expand their reasoning)
Useful for all students in your classroom:
For students who get a kick out of these types of question prompts – this is one for them! Great for lunch bunch groups or small groups to whole classes.
Across Support Needs:
Use with students across a wide variety of support needs. It is appropriate for special education students in middle to high school, as well as adults who are in day programs or similar programs.
Ideas for Use:
Get to know you games, conversation starters, social skill groups, social groups, lunch bunch, SEL, check-ins, morning meeting, transition times, Thanksgiving get-togethers, warm-ups, wrap-ups, 1:1, small group, whole class,
You can email us at hello@autismgrownup.com if you have any feedback, questions, and/or requests for resources.