Executive Functioning Skills | Student Self-Assessment
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Adaptable Thinking
Time Management
Working Memory
Task Initiation
Each skill area has its section with five questions. Students will rate how they completed an activity under that section and identify if they would like to learn more about it.
On the last page, students will reflect on their responses, look at patterns, and determine next steps related to their executive functioning skills.
Ideas for use:
Discussion of executive functioning skills
Students complete as they go through lessons on executive functioning
Students self-assess at the beginning and end of the year
1:1 sessions for teaching, counseling, support to small groups to whole class discussions
Promoting Neurodiversity + Future-Focused Work
We want to support you in creating a neurodiversity-affirming classroom, where students are practicing self-regulation, self-advocacy, and executive functioning skills that better prepares them for their next steps in life (e.g., high school, adulthood).
- 5 pages
- Black/White PDF