Quarter | 10-Week Job Site Rubric
Table of Contents
Home Page
The homepage (🏠 ) is the homebase of this Google Sheet.
Click a button an it will lead you to the designated tab on the Job Site Google Sheet.
Especially helpful for longer versions of Job Site forms (e.g., the Semester/20 week and Year-Round/40 week forms).
Student Info
Type in your student's information on the homepage. You'll see it reflected in all of the job site observation pages.
As you collect data each week, you'll see this information represented on the Dashboard. You can get the big picture view of student progress each week, across tasks, and across the span of time (e.g., quarter, semester, year).
Note that for individual tasks, there is a drop-down menu that you can click through.
Task List
Enter all of the student's tasks on the Task List page. Use your task analysis and checklists to break tasks down into measurable pieces.
We have included space for up to 20 tasks.
Transferable Skills List
Enter all of the areas on the Transferable Skills page. Use your task analysis and checklists to break tasks down into measurable pieces.
We have included space for up to 16 skill areas. Add and remove as areas of need and priorities shift.
Weekly Forms
Student information from the Homepage and the Task List will populate every weekly observation form. All you have to type in each week is the date and target score (if that changes).
As you observe the student on the job site, check off how the student is completing each task. We have broken down the stages of progress based on level of learning, independence, and completion.
As you check off each box, the form automatically calculates the day's total and provides the student's score.
Checking Multiple Checkboxes
If for some reason, another box gets checked on the same row, the form will automatically go with the most recent check box filled.
Student Reflections
Each week, students can share their reflections in this Reflection section. You will see every response collected across each week. Use these responses for check-ins, understanding more about skill areas and what is or is not helpful for the student.
Submit a Help Ticket
Need more help? Click here to submit a help ticket or click the button below.